School District Lauds GSP Students and Teacher
Event reported in the Orange County Register and the Capistrano Unified School District newsletter, Capo Talk.
Click here to read the Capo Talk news report.
President John M. Alpay, Trustee Amy Hanacek, and Superintendent Kirsten M. Vital join San Clemente High School Students and Teacher Lisa Kerr
The Board of Trustees of the Capistrano Unified School District formally recognized several San Clemente High School Students and a teacher for developing the first field curriculum designed to educate high school students visiting the San Mateo Watershed.
Each participant was presented with a Certificate of Recognition from Board President John M. Alpay at the September 24, 2014 meeting.
Eleven juniors from San Clemente High School under the guidance of teacher Lisa Kerr, created a Field Study of the San Mateo Creek. The field study was created for high school biology students so that they would gain appreciation of the unique endangered habitat located in the region.
The development of the curriculum was funded by the Picerne Family Foundation. The curriculum was gifted to the San Onofre Parks Foundation so that it could be utilized by all schools within the region. The curriculum involves a three day lesson plan that involves lectures, worksheets, and a field journal. The field study at San Mateo creek can be completed within a block period to minimize the loss of class time for the student participants.
Capo Talk, Sept. 26, 2014, Vol. 4, No. 33
To read the Orange County Register report click here: www.ocregister.com/articles/san-637107-clemente-school.html