Picerne Family Foundation Global Sustainability Project Students Begin Work on Local Projects.

After a rigorous application process, 10 students selected to participate in the Global Sustainability Project from Dana Hills High and 10 students from Edison High began work on local sustainability projects.
This month, Dana Hills High students are establishing a restoration, research and education zone where future 5th grade students will study the effects of drought on native plants at U.C. Irvine’s Ecological Preserve. They are working alongside their teacher, Dolores Dang-Wright, scientist, Erick Valdez, and UC Irvine graduate students.
Edison High students are collecting data on local aquatic organisms and assessing levels of micro-plastic debris in the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve using new state of the art water monitoring equipment. Their teacher Greg Gardiner and scientist Bethany Yates with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife are working with the students.
After contributing more than 40 hours work on the above local sustainability projects, students will embark on a 12 day summer expedition to Mankwe Wildlife Reserve in South Africa. Their teachers and the scientists will travel with them. While at Mankwe, the group will collect data for university research on the impact of dehorning southern white rhino and on the role the rhino plays in the savannah ecosystem. They will also assist with wildlife monitoring and protection.
About The Picerne Family Foundation
The Foundation’s mission is to develop and support innovative programs that provide opportunities for individuals to increase their abilities, knowledge, talent and understanding in ways that will help them better contribute to creating active and healthy communities. For more information visit picernefoundation.org.