Foundation Offers New Round of Educational Visions Grants
Awards to be focused on the opportunities and challenges of the return to classrooms.
Recognizing that students returning to the classroom after over a year of online instruction will create opportunities and challenges for teachers, the Foundation is offering a new round of Educational Visions grants to support innovation in this area. it is likely the disparities between students learning will be wider than ever, making it harder to teach an entire class the same material. Many students may have struggled academically or socially during the lock-down, while others may have thrived without the social distractions of the classroom.
The Picerne Family Foundation is offering awards of up to $10,000 each to K-12 teachers and counselors in Orange and south LA counties to encourage and support the development of programs that address the issue. Visit the Educational Visions page at the Picerne Family Foundation website for information and to download an application. For questions contact the Foundation at 949-267-1517 or by using the Contact Us page.